Following the tragic Parkland shooting, some friends and I felt inspired to do something. That led us to create (site no longer active). We were selling bulletproof vests for kids to wear to school. Or, so we led users to believe. After lingering on the site for a while, a prompt would pop up with a pre-populated tweet for that user’s specific Senators to demand gun reform.

Press: Adweek, AdAge, Fast Company, Fatherly, The LA Egotist, and more. 

The Home Page

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Product Page

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Product Descriptions (Prices are dates of shootings)

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About Us Page

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FAQ Page

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The Reveal

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We made it in Adweek. 

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And AdAge.

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Words: Me + Chris Puma

Art: Jason Murray + Yugendu Vyas

Strategy: Harley Garner

Dev: Rudy Perez